
A Journal Made for You by You

A Message from Us

In this entry, we finalize the website with another interview, just like how we started. However, this interview is different than before. We sent a google form out to people asking them a personal account of empathy and human connection that was impactful to them, and the colors that reminded them of that memory. This is to explore the utter connection that the whole harmonic collection seeks to discuss, how our human connections, empathetic moments, and our overall human experience impacts us and, more specifically, reminds us of various colors. This entry is set up to read like a journal, so click the dots below, and read some of the responses we received.

Anon. Person #1:

What is a moment where you felt a sense of empathy towards another person or received empathy from someone else that was memorable and impactful? Why was this moment of human connection and a feeling of mutuality so important to you?

This isn’t necessarily my story but after a friend went through a breakup it was a very difficult time for her. She just couldn’t really imagine living like that without her ex, but then my roommate was able to help her through it and could connect to it. This is because of her own breakup that she went through a few months before. It was a really beautiful moment because they didn’t really know each other at all before, yet she helped her a lot through that time. It was also really interesting to see from the outside because this wasn’t something I could necessarily relate to, but my roommate was able to step up and be empathetic and that brought them together.

Please list 3 colors you would associate with this memory (and their hue/shade if you can think of specifics):

I associate this experience with a warm red and orange because it kind of just feels like a hug encapsulated. It's like this feeling of it’s all going to be okay and it was just overall filled with a lot of warmth.

Do you think that colors can play a large role into affecting and inflicting emotions? In other words, do you believe colors can set a mood or are able to be associated with memories/people? Why and how?

Yes 100%. I feel that colors all hold a different meaning and are associated strongly with emotions. I feel like more vibrant colors are generally happier and remind me of a sunny day whereas a subdued grey or blue is very sad but almost mellow in a way.

Anon. Person #2:

What is a moment where you felt a sense of empathy towards another person or received empathy from someone else that was memorable and impactful? Why was this moment of human connection and a feeling of mutuality so important to you?

When I found out and I told my roommate about my parents divorce, I was immediately met with incredible empathy. I couldn’t articulate my emotions, but it didn’t matter. She just sat with me and hugged me while I cried. I still think about this moment because I felt heard and not alone in my situation.

Please list 3 colors you would associate with this memory (and their hue/shade if you can think of specifics):

Deep orange, dark purple, white.

Do you think that colors can play a large role into affecting and inflicting emotions? In other words, do you believe colors can set a mood or are able to be associated with memories/people? Why and how?

I think colors have a lot to do with affecting and inflicting emotions. For me, blue is calming and relaxing while bright red on the other hand is jarring. Additionally, whenever I see a color that someone I’m close to loves, I immediately think of them. I think we associate colors with memories & people because we hold onto bits and pieces of people we surround ourselves with and what we experience.

Anon. Person #3:

What is a moment where you felt a sense of empathy towards another person or received empathy from someone else that was memorable and impactful? Why was this moment of human connection and a feeling of mutuality so important to you?

I was at a club with a bunch of people from my college and there was this girl who lives in my building that I’ve only spoken to a few times. Her and I start talking, and we get on the topic of long distance relationships. She was in one for a year and I’ve been in one now for a few months. She really validated how difficult they are and how it’s normal to struggle with it. We then went to sit on a couch and talked in the club for twenty minutes about long distance and everything I was feeling. She told me that if I’m ever struggling I’m more than welcome to come to her room to talk. This meant a lot to me because she went out of her way to assure me multiple times that she’s there for me and that she knows what I’m feeling and wants to help. Oftentimes I feel annoying if I go to my friends when I’m sad, and they will sometimes make me feel bad for talking about my problems, so it was super nice to have someone who wanted to help and made that clear.

Please list 3 colors you would associate with this memory (and their hue/shade if you can think of specifics):

Dark purple, true red, and black.

Do you think that colors can play a large role into affecting and inflicting emotions? In other words, do you believe colors can set a mood or are able to be associated with memories/people? Why and how?

Yes. I think the intensity and darkness of the colors at the bar made the moment feel very close and intimate. If it had been in a bright, light setting, it’s possible that I would’ve felt more exposed to those around me and less secluded with the girl I was talking to. I also think colors will just naturally induce certain emotions. For example, I can imagine I’d have an easier time, subconsciously, opening up to someone wearing a pink shirt vs. a green one.